Anne Lister, 20th April, 1824

“Writing my journal always does me good - now that I have done it, I have got it off my mind - my troubles seem gone - buried in the paper....”

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011

The homework (Second week)

Three years ago I travelled from Lugo to Madrid to begin a new life.

The trip was very exciting for me because It was my first time in a lonely trip. I had to decide and choose a lot of things.

The first one was to decide how I was going to travel to Madrid from Lugo. There was four options:

1.  I could travel fom Lugo to Madrid by plane but in Lugo there was not airport. If you want to fly , you have to travel to Coruña by bus, the journey from Lugo to Coruña takes you two hours, then you have to take a taxi from bus station to airport. The Airport is very far from the city and the taxi is very expensive and cost a lot. Also It was my first time alone in an airport and I was afraid  about know how I carried my luggage , how I could look for the right gete and how the check in desk and board card works. Also I remembered that when the plane take off and landing the pain in my heard was horrible other times. Then I decided that the plane is not a good option for me.

2. You can travel also by car. There was a good motorway from Lugo to Madrid but my car was very old and the speed limit in this motorway was 120km/hour. My car couldn´t run at this speed and It was my first time alone at this motorway. I was very afraid to lost in the way or have a car crash. I thought the public transport would be the best option.

3. I don´t like travel by bus because It´s very boring for me and It´s no convenience because you have a small space to move and you can´t stand up and walk when you want. The journey takes five or six hours because the bus stops in some village and towns.

Then I decided travel by train. The journey takes twelve hours but the trip is in the night and you can sleep and also you can go to the dinning car, to the bathroom or go for a walk in the aisle whenever you want. I think is the less bad option.

When I decided to travel by train I reserved a ticket in advance in the ticket office in the railway station and two days later a shinning sunday  in August I went to the railway station walking with two suitcase that it was all my luggage. I was waiting in the platform one hour because the train was delayed. I was very worrried about look for my carriage because the train stops only one minute in Lugo station. But I could see the right carriage because there was a lot of other passengers in the railway station and the train stopped a lot more time.

I looked for my window seat in the train, a man helped me to put my heavy luggage in the train and I went to the dinning car to relax with a coffee. Then I went to my seat and just have to wait twelve hours sleepping.

When I arrived Madrid in the morning, I took a taxi to the hotel that I had booked. I arrived Madrid in rush hour but there was a lot taxi in the taxi rank. There was a traffic jam and the taxi drivers said me that he had to go to the petrol station. It was a friendly man and I said him Ok.

The taxi driver, also, said me: "you have to put the seat - belt, Madrid is very dangerous", when we was stopped in a traffic light.

The taxi left me near the hotel but not in the hotel because it was in a pedestrian zone. I didn´t know the zone and I was lost for two hours. I thought I will have to buy a scooter or motorbike and helmet because Madrid is bigger than my city and all is very far.

At the end I don´t need the motorbike because I usually use the underground. It´s not very confortable but it´s very convenience.

p.s : Re-reading the text I saw some transcription mistakes, don´t worry about it, in my notebook the words are well-writed. I want to believe.

3 comentarios:

  1. jeje por aqui otra q su coche no llega (ni de lejos) al limite d las autopistas. Fijate q la primera vez q lo lleve a la peninsula me paro la guardia civil pq le parecio q iba demasiado despacio (a 80) pero es q no da para mas el pobre. Eso si: ponle un pedregal x delante. ¿Lugo? Creo q es el sitio q mas calor pase en mi vida. No importa si bien o mal escrito: se entiende;) BeSiNeS

  2. I don´t teach English but I think it looks good (better with spell check and some editing). Nice job. What about speaking?

  3. It was my first trip on my own. There were four options (there was cuando sólo hay una opción). The taxi costs con ese final porque el sujeto es taxi, o sea, como si fuera it. Y he, she, it siempre llevan s en el present simple. Lo mismo con "The plane takeS off" por la misma razón. Head, no heard, aunque igual es un error al teclear. Y, si dices: "the plane takes off" luego "lands", ¿por qué pones -ing? I decided the plane was not a good option. Si pones decided, tienes que poner en pasado también la segunda parte de la frase.

    No sigo corrigiendo, porque no sé si te va a sentar mal que haya corregido ya esta parte. No he podido evitarlo, gajes del oficio. Soy profesora de inglés en un instituto.
