sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Otro test más...

Me gusta hacer test de personalidad (inteligencia), cuando me tropiezo con uno no puedo evitarlo. Me gusta lo que me cuentan... Casi siempre. Me reconozco, me identifico y me gusto, no podría ser de otro modo, soy como Dios manda, no hay otra forma posible de ser (y no estar loco) ... 

No sé por qué me va tan mal con todo el mundo si soy prácticamente perfecta en todos los sentidos y formas. Supongo que hay algo que falla que nunca aparece en los test ( quizá por eso los hago para ver si alguno detecta el fallo). No puede ser que el fallo esté en todos los demás , no? 

En fin.., 

El de hoy es el de los colores... Me ha salido "white" y dice que...

MOTIVE [ Peace ]

Whites are motivated by Peace. They seek independence and require kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. To them, feeling good is more important than being good. They are typically quiet by nature, process things very deeply and objectively with great clarity. Of all the colors, whitesare the best listeners. They respect people who are direct but recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle.


Whites need their "alone time" and refuse to be controlled by others. Whites want to do things their own way and in their own time. They ask little of others and resent others demanding much of them. Whites are much stronger than people think, but are not often seen for their strength because they don't easily reveal their feelings. Whites are even-tempered, diplomatic, and the voice of reason; but can also be indecisive, unexpressive, and silently stubborn. When you deal with a WHITE, be kind, accept and support their individuality, and look for non-verbal clues to understand their feelings.

Pues eso... 

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