lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011

My parents...

I´m going to write about my parents. She is in her seventies and he is in his sixties. She is older than him. They are older than they look because they have not changed since twenty years ago.

She is going grey but she paints her hair in the hairdresser and he is darkish, he has all his hair because in his family, the men have all his hair during all his live.

They are both overweight because the like to eat strong food with a lot of meal, potatoes and bread. It´s galician diet. Normally, vegetables are eaten in soup with many other food like meal and potatoes. It´s very easy get fat in the north spain houses.

He is a bit on the short side and she is quite tall, they are a very different couple.

They are both hard - working and very energetic people. They worked both and the had had tree children. I think It was a very hard work then when their son and daugters was children.

They are very religious people and they have a very stong faith. They go to the churc all sundays and holidays.

He is very political person but she not. The conversation about politician issues are forbbiden for her in their house.

They can be very easy-going if you know their rules and you do not anything against their rules.

He is big - headead and she usually jokes with him about that. She says "you are a big - headed person" and he answers "I´m not big-headed, I´m the best man in the world"

They are not pushy, bad-tempered, moody or sensitive people. Normally, they are very equilibrate and racional people if you don´t want change their mind.

They are typical galician people.

They are very independent from the world but they are very dependent each other.

They make a good team, I think.


- si quisiera una correción lo habría hecho en word, pero como siempre se trata de aprender y que el profe valore lo que escribo yo y no lo que escribe el señor Gates...

- me falta poner phrasal verbs y conectores del tipo "on the other hand", althoug, however y demás... estoy vaga y perezosa , eso lo tengo reservado para estudiarlo y usarlo en las navidades que ya me pondré en serio a estudiar , de momoento solo estoy "haciendo rodaje al ralentí"

- la redacción era sobre una pareja (cualquiera), yo he elegido mis padres, ya ya sé que parece una redacción de niño de 8 años... qué le vamos a hacer... hay fases que nunca se superan... y esta es una de ellas... además me he enterado que los colegios privados de madrid llevan a sus student a pasar el first cuando cumplen 14 años.... en fin... me examinaré con críos pijos de 14 años... que vida esta que no deja de darnos lecciones...

en fin... sigamos viendo qué trae el día... las 2 de la tarde y todavía en pijama (y lo que te rondaré morena), menos mal que tengo inglés a las 7... y cañas a las 9.... me pondré , me pondré ... en cualquier momento ya me subo al planeta... tranquilidá... YES I CAN.

1 comentario:

  1. Sabes Bea?? a veces lo mas grande d una persona de "taitantos" es poder hacerse pasar por alguien de ocho años: no todas lo conseguimos:-P en cualquier caso, ole por ti!!. A mi me ha parecido un buen (y entrañable) ejercicio. Ya sabes q "nunca es tarde" para nadaasi q... q mas da la edad del q tienes al lado en el examen... aun te queda mucho por dar y hacer- Huge kisses y mejor semana!
